Note: This page describes how to use the 'mtm' command line executable. This binary is currently available for Linux only
To use mtm from the command line, you must have a synced Microtick node and you should to set the MTM_HOME environment variable to the same directory your synced node is using if it's not using the default location, for example:
$ export MTM_HOME=$HOME/testnet
$ mtm tx microtick create-quote <market_id> [duration] [backing] [spot] [premium]
Creates a quote on the given market id. Note that if the market does not exist, it will be created automatically.
5minute, 15minute, 1hour, 4hour or 12hour
Token amount to transfer into the quote. Example 10atom
Spot price for the quote. Example: 1760spot
Premium for the quote. Example: 1premium
There are restrictions involved when choosing backing, spot and premium for a quote. These are called the "2x Invariants" and are as follows: